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Subject: RE: FLASH: SVG?
From: Arcanus
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 16:17:38 +0100

Damien Morton wrote:

>Interestingly, many of the SVG people see that same usage for SVG, i.e. youd
>have an SVG browser that had HTML capabilities, rather than an HTML browser
>with SVG capabilities.

That would certainly be the best way. I'm not a big fan of trying to
deliver all content through one mechanism (i.e., the browser).

>The way I see it, assuming the browser makers buy into it, three years from
>now SVG will probably be as pervasive as Flash is today, and the tools for
>creating SVG will be as good or better than the Flash 5 authoring tool is.
>In fact, once SVG is out there, I can imagine Macromedia falling in to
>support it. There are already some rudimentary swf->svg converters out
>there, and the actual differences are quite manageable.

Oh, I'm sure. I'm just not sure there will be a point to it. Of course,
I'm not a big advocate of Flash on websites, either. I certainly don't
see it replacing Flash, if for no other reason that being the best
doesn't win the race, only getting their first. ;) And SVG is text based,
which would seem to make Flash a more efficient delivery system, unless I
am missing something.

>Everybody knows that thats no fun at all, and a complete
>waste of time and money.

And I'm not sure there is a compelling reason to do it. You may want to
get all your tables looking right over all the major browsers because
they contain your pricing and product information, but animated vector
graphics don't have the value to most people--unless scalable vector
graphics are a much better way of communicating about a given product,
and, in most cases, that's probably not true. All the best Flash sites
I've ever seen were portfolio piece of Flash developers--and, if I have
an option of Flashed and non-flashed I always pick non-flashed, because
the Flash usually bugs me. But, boy, do we get clients who gotta have it.
So . . . I don't know. The last thing I want as a developer who doesn't
care that much for Flash-enabled sites, anyway, is to have to deal with a
second standard in that realm. If the client wants vector graphic info,
then I'm going to say "Flash!"

"What about SVG?"

"It is like the cold touch of death. Use it and you will surely perish."

Not because that's true so much as that it complicates things and unless
the client clearly demonstrates they know what they are getting
into--which is usually never--I'd pass on a project using the second

"I saw this site that did that. Why can't you do that? Are you stupid?"

"No, we're using SVG and the plug-in doesn't support that right now."

"But they were doing that."

"That was Flash."

"Why didn't you tell me I couldn't do that with SVG?"

"We did. Several times."

"Obviously, you guys are incompetent. I'm hiring somebody else, and
telling every one I know that you're all idiots."

Dialog essentially based on several real stories.

Although, I'm sure SVG would be fun to play with if I didn't ever have to
answer to anybody else. ;)


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