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Subject: FLASH: strange question
From: Vlad Cohen
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 17:15:16 GMT


I'm new to this list and I hope someone can help me.

We're trying to build some very simple flash pages with a flash movie in a
table cell of an ordinary HTML page.

It works fine in Netscape and IE on a PC, and on a mac it works fine in
Netscape. But in IE on the mac (we've tried 4.01 and 4.5) the <OBJECT> tag
gets read as a blank space above the movie and upsets the alignment. So
you get a hole in the table where the browser is trying to read the object
tag. If I take the Object tag out and only use the <EMBED> tag, it's fine.
But then obviously it will have problems in IE on a PC.

The whole thing is driving me crazy - particulary now that I've asked some
friends to have a look, and they've said that on their macs, using IE,
there *isn't* a space. I've gone over the code a hundred times, thinning
it down and cutting out white space, but it just doesn't work. In one
case, a friend on an identical macintosh (G3 350) and with the same file,
did a screenshot to prove that on his machine there was no space. But with
my machine I can't fix the problem.

I hope I've explained this correctly - if anybody has ANY hints about this
at all, I would really really appreciate it. i can show you the object and
embed tags we're using if you like.

Thanks in advance,


Vlad Cohen Sky Interactive Programming
Senior Designer West Cross House
p +44 (0)20 7941 5328 Grant Way
m 07957 57 22 56 Isleworth TW7 5QD

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  Re: FLASH: strange question, Jean-Pierre GOVEKAR

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