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Subject: Re: FLASH: controlling a loaded swf the main-swf??
From: Thorsten Schmiedel
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:44:59 GMT

Thanks, Branden, for your kind help!!

I'll try this out right now....
I hope this works, because I loaded the swf in a target, not in a level

Thanks a lot anyway,


> From: bhallatfigleaf [dot] com (Branden Hall)
> Reply-To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 14:49:56 -0500
> To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
> Subject: RE: FLASH: controlling a loaded swf the main-swf??
> To talk to loaded SWFs you refer to their level. The base level movie is 0.
> The actual syntax is as follows
> _level0/blah - to talk to MC blah in the level 0
> _level1/foo/bar - to talk to MC bar located inside MC foo located inside
> level 1
> The underscore *IS* important and part of the syntax. This same syntax is
> also used to refer to variables residing in particular MCs/Levels. Simply
> add a colon and the name of the variable to the path to the MC as explained
> above.
> --
> Branden J. Hall
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Multimedia Developer/Instructor | Multimedia Developer
> Fig Leaf Software | Kimmuli.com
> bhallatfigleaf [dot] com | brandenatkimmuli [dot] com
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Thorsten
> Schmiedel
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:16 PM
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: FLASH: controlling a loaded swf the main-swf??
> Hi all,
> sorry to bother y'all again with a possibly rather stupid question.....
> I have a swf in which I load another swf with a 'Load Movie' action using
> the load-into-target-option. The target is a movie clip which lies in the
> one and only scene... on this scene, there is a button with which I want to
> control the target (a simple pause-and-go on-control).
> No matter what I do, the button action does not seem to reach the swf inside
> the target-moviesymbol...
> Is this simply impossible or am I missing something here??!!
> Does the swf that I load into the target-moviesymbol belong to the hierarchy
> within the "mother-swf" at all??
> I would (as always) be very happy if someone would give me a helping hand!!!
> Thanks in advance,
> Thorsten
> P.S.
> (Niklas, the passing-variable stuff worked after all but our customer now
> decided not to have sound in the project so the effort was in vain at least
> for this project.... Well, at least I did learn something, didn't I??
> Once again many thanks for your kind help :o)))) )
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Streaming Media WEST '99 Conference & Exhibition
"The Worlds largest Internet Audio & Video Event"
December 7 - 9, San Jose Convention Center, California

Reserve your space today at http://www.streamingmedia.com
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  RE: FLASH: controlling a loaded swf the , Branden Hall

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