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Subject: FLASH: Button dilemma!
From: Erich Miller
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 23:10:08 GMT


I have a MC on my main time line that has 3 buttons in it. When you
press either one, another MC plays and then stops. All is good. But,
what I want to happen is when another button is pressed, the previous MC
closes and/or finishes it's movie in it's own MC. I have been playing
around with Tell Target and Variables but nothing is working!
An example of my script:

On (release)
If ("contact" = "1")
Begin Tell Target (_level0/contact,21)
End Tell Target
Begin Tell Target....etc

What I was trying to do was set a variable when the button was pressed
(Set Variable "contact" = "1"). Then when another button was pressed, I
put the above in the button's action. If contact = 1 then go finish
playing the MC at frame 21 then come back and play the next MC for the
button pressed.

It's not working! :-( Help!
Thanks much!


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  Re: FLASH: Button dilemma!, John Croteau

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