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Subject: FLASH: Re: Re: Button Dilemma!
From: Erich Miller
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 19:07:59 GMT

Thanks Kalle for your help...

Actually after a few more hours hacking around with it I figured out
what I was doing wrong. I was forgetting to put 'Go to and Play
(frame#)' after the Begin Tell Target command. I was including the frame
# in the Tell Target line: /_level0/mcName,frame# - which is wrong.

What I needed to happen was when another button was pressed, it had to
go back and finish the mc. (e.g. a button made a popup square with info
on it. Then when another button was pressed, that square would pop back
down out of sight) Maybe there was a more simple way....but that's what
learning is all about! :-)

Thanks again!

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