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Subject: Re: FLASH: Site Check Please..
From: Louise Olson
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 22:07:56 GMT

>Hi Flashers,
>I wonder if you could do a site check for me, I can't test this site on a
>slower network and I want to know how it goes on a slower network... all
>criticism's welcome :) I actually had this site up a few months ago, but I
>have given it a face lift, with some server side plugin checks thrown in
>for good measure....
>Check Out: www.mop-events.ch
I'm on a slower connection and tried out your site. The sound kept going on
and off in a way that sounded unintentional. Also there'a a bit of a wait
on mouseover before a linking area activates for selection, and upon
selection, the window remains open even after opening another one. The open
ones did disappear when I accessed the photos though.



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  Re: FLASH: Site Check Please.., Dave Broz
  FLASH: howto: Fullscreen mode, Benny

  RE: FLASH: Bug in Flash 4??, Jonathan Miskin
  FLASH: Site Check Please.., Dave Broz

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