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Subject: FLASH: urgent , load movie......
From: Anuj Rawla
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 04:38:16 GMT

Hi all,
I have a little problem . Hope you can solve it.
There are 3 movies . Number 1: the main movie. From the main movie,
the movie2 is loaded,and from
movie2 , movie3 is loaded.Now, In movie2 there is a small sequence
which is to be played, and then it comes to
a small sub menu.From this sub menu , we load movie3. Movie3 is
loading from movie2, but it cannot come back to the movie2.
I can't place a button is movie3 to go to a particular frame in movie2.
But it is noticed that when movie2 and movie3 are played
independently , it is working fine. ie, from movie3 ,
you can return to movie2.Why does this happen...................? Can
anybody help us with the hierarchy of the load movie...
Please help me solve this problem.
V.R Real Technologies

Anuj Kumar Rawla


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  FLASH: Vectorizing, Arsis
  Re: FLASH: urgent , load movie......, John Croteau

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