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Subject: Re: FLASH: DreamMachine
From: Carlos Cardoso
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 18:20:27 GMT

Respondendo (replying) Michael Penne <digit8ratyahoo [dot] com>
> Of the three apps. you listed, 3dstudio will take the most resources.
> I'm running Max3 on a p3600,

WOW !!!!! I get almost sexually aroused when I think about the
possibilities. QuakeIII at 3.6GHZ !!!!

3D Max must render raytracing 2048 x 1200 frames at 30 fps, minimum...

> pre-installed (don't even try to run 3dstudio under 9x), I'd avoid
> gateway(NT on a 2gig fat partition!-boss ordered) + other 'pro-sumer'

Let me guess. It's a point-haired boss, isn't it ?

> Anyway, build the best Max box you can and flash/director will run just
> fine...

Yes, it's a logical but nice advice. Level to the top. There's no such
thing as a too fast machine. BUT there's a problem. Long rendering
times. Not everyone owns a 3.6GHz pentium, and rendering while you're
flashing will make everything slow.

Isnt' more productive a 2 workstation configuration? One for rendering
and other time-consuming tasks, like converting big waves, digitizing
movies, etc, and another for Flash, Photoshop and other more "normal'

Carlos Cardoso - cardosoatpobox [dot] com
em breve: Redes - Curso Basico e Rapido
e FLASH4 - Para Principiantes
Tech Writer, BOFH & Trekker
Linux Reg user # 92301

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  Re: FLASH: DreamMachine, Michael Penne

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