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Subject: An Appology and explanation. RE: FLASH: You have been sent an OLDSKOOLFLASH.com Flash4 encrypted message
From: David Williamson
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:50:20 GMT

Hi all

OK it has come to my knowlege that some are having trouble working
this little utility. Maybe i was being a little over zelouse with the auto
emailing end of this.
To decode the message you need to use the email address that this was sent
to. I.E

flasheratchinwag [dot] com

the message i.d is also in the message. at the top. I.E.


Its a little flash encryption system, its a little touchy, but it definately
works. Although it seems the somewhere in the send function the message has
become curupted and only the first few lines are decypherable. Im betting
this is down to some rogue new line charecters that have been inserted some
where along the line from me sending it.

My appologies if this has Spooked the list alittle but i sent it out in the
best possible taste Honest.

cheers dave


THINK New Ideas
12 Theobalds Road

T:+44 (0)171 242 3300
F:+44 (0)171 242 3306

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett A. Rampata [brampataatrandinteractive [dot] com (mailto:brampataatrandinteractive [dot] com)]
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 2:56 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: Re: FLASH: You have been sent an OLDSKOOLFLASH.com Flash4
encrypted message

I am running netscape 4.7 on MAC and cannot view your site. The detection
has sent me to a page that says I do not have the Shockwaveplugin installed.
I do. you might want to check your detection. and keep the SWF's in the
same root as the HTML pages our hard code the url to where they are, and
where they Get URL.

brett rampata I 410.752.3655.t I brampataatrandinteractive [dot] com

>From: infoatoldskoolflash [dot] com
>To: <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
>Subject: FLASH: You have been sent an OLDSKOOLFLASH.com Flash4 encrypted
>Date: Mon, Dec 20, 1999, 9:43 AM

>your Message ID number is:140374650733642
>This message was sent to the following Email Address:flasheratchinwag [dot] com
>Your encrypted message will follow, copy the message from between the
>instruction lines that follow.
>D5II] 7H[zI
>/,<,U__5*K,`@VcmW USf><y'-y&qwo-
> To Decode the message please go to http://www.OLDSKOOLFLASH.com proceed
>to the RESEARCH area and choose the ENIGMA ENCODER research file. Once
>there you will be given further instructions on how to decode this
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flasher is generously supported by...
Streaming Media WEST '99 Conference & Exhibition
"The Worlds largest Internet Audio & Video Event"
December 7 - 9, San Jose Convention Center, California

Reserve your space today at http://www.streamingmedia.com
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