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Subject: Re: FLASH: Loading a movie with size specifications
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 03:29:30 GMT

At 06:44 PM 12/21/99 , you wrote:

>Is there any way that I can load a movie into another movie with size
>specifications? I'm trying to load a 550x294 movie onto a movie that's
>640x480. However, the movie is resizes itself to match the main movie.

Change the stage size of the movie to be loaded so that it matches the
stage size of the movie that is loading it. if you need to, unlock all
layers, choose Edit Multiple Frames and Onion Skin All, Select All, and
drag the whole contents to where you want them on the stage.

Alternately you might (flash4 only) be able to align the movie correctly by
loading it into a movie clip and scaling it.
Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com).
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  FLASH: Loading a movie with size specifi, Joe Fun Gray

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