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Subject: FLASH: One-Word-Posts
From: John Cocktosten
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 22:58:23 GMT

I know that I have only been on this list for a short period of time and I
hope that I am not way out of line with what I am about to say but....

Why do people feel compelled to write one word messages to the list? Micah
Cordes has been doing this about ten times a day since I joined. I don't
want to single anybody out, but this person has not said one valuable thing
in the 25 messages he/she has posted. Isn't there someone to monitor this
and filter out these garbage posts?

There is a lot of valuable info on this list, but it is mixed in between the
"Nice!" or "I second that" or Me Too!" messages that do not help anyone
learn Flash.

People, before you send a message to the list, remind yourself that it is
going to over one thousand peoples' Inbox. Before you hit the Send button,
ask yourself if the message is really necessary. If you want to thank
someone, email them off list, it is the courteous thing to do.

Hope I didn't step on any toes, if I did feel free to mail me OFF-LIST to
discuss it.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

John Cocktosten
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  Re: FLASH: One-Word-Posts, David Doggett

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