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Subject: Re: FLASH: IE 5 load variables to cgi bug?
From: Jim Duber
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 04:16:25 GMT

Ax and Listreaders,

This is indeed a bug. I've been in touch with Tech Support at Macromedia
for the past week with regards first to the bug I reported upon last week
where IE on PCs has a bug with the URL variable. I will be posting a
summary of this thread in the next day or so.

Long story short: Engineers at MM were able to reproduce the URL bug and
contacted me earlier today to tell me that the new release of the X-Object
(r25) fixes that bug. I was able to confirm this with my test page (posted
last week), however I was also able to confirm that r25 introduces a new
bug where load variables into location now doesn't work on IE. This
confirms what you are seeing, Ax.

Anyway, I immediately reported this back to the engineers with whom I'm in
contact and they were able to reproduce this bug too. At 5 pm today, I was
told that they are working on it and will get back to me with more
information shortly. I'll post to the list any news I receive.

In the meantime, 2 things:

1. You may be able to load variables using the "POST" method instead of
"GET" (according to MM tech support). I can't confirm that because the CGI
I'm currently using requires GET.

2. According to Matt Wobensmith of MM, the new Flash player (by which I
assume he means release 25) has "quite a few substantial new and exciting
features" which he wasn't at liberty to divulge, though he seemed to hint
at rather significant new ActionScript commands. Matt says documentation
will be released shortly on these additions--though again he wouldn't
define "shortly".

Well, my interest is certainly piqued! Sure hope the CGI and URL bugs are
fixed before they go final though...perhaps a release 26? We'll have to
wait and see....

Best wishes,

Jim Duber jimatduber [dot] com dubatsocrates [dot] berkeley [dot] edu
interactive media developer/consultant duber dot com
editor call @ chorus
co-manager teslca-l

>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 19:17:58 -0500
>From: AX <WebmixeratHomegrownHipHopZone [dot] com>
>Subject: FLASH: IE 5 load variables to cgi bug?
>I recall recently seeing some discussion about problems with IE 5...
>well I've got a Flash form that submits to a cgi script and it seems
>that it is not reaching it at all with IE! I've tried many variations of
>loading the variables into the location (the cgi script) with no
>success, yet it works fine in Netscape.
>What gives? What did I miss on this? Anybody?

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