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Subject: FLASH: mysterious Flash pop-up window problem..please help!
From: Laura Hamilton
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:33:16 GMT

I am having some serious issues with several pop-up windows in Flash and I'm
tearing my hair out trying to figure out what the problem is. I'm using the
same GET URL action, but it only works in one case.

Can someone *please* try to help me? I feel like I'm missing something
basic, but I can't discover the root of this problem...

I have 15 pop-up windows in my movie, which was made in Flash 4.

If you go to http://www.viviente.com and then click the "Portfolio" section
(located inside a movie clip), you will see a slideshow frame on the right.
At the top of the slideshow frame is a button that says "Go to Site".

If you click on that, a pop-up window appears with that site inside of it.
It's a little slower than it should be, but no problems.

The code in my GetURL action for that window is as follows (straight from
Colin Moock, it's his Technique Two):
javascript:launchwin('http://www.viviente.com/WWfullpage/WWHome.htm' ,
'newwindow1' ,

Back to the movie...if you click the right arrow and go to the next
slideshow screen, you will see a new screenshot. Click the "Go to Site"
botton at top. You get a new window, but it's full size, it's blank, and it
has the following URL in the location bar:


No matter WHAT I do, I cannot get any of the pop-up windows beyond that
first one in the portfolio to work! I even pasted in the exact same GET URL
action code exactly for the second window (as you can see above), just to
see if it was perhaps the file URL or something else.....nothing. Nothing
works past that first pop-up.

I have pasted exactly the same GetURL action into each one of my buttons,
changing only the URL of the new window's contents. Those URLs open up fine
when I call them directly from the browser, but will not open up in Flash as

Another odd thing is that when I publish my movie HTML, I only get the

<!-- URL's used in the movie-->
<A HREF=mslauraatviviente [dot] com (mailto:mslauraatviviente [dot] com)></A> <A
HREF=javascript:launchwin('resumeprint.html' , 'newwindow' ,

Those are two other links (including another pop-up window, which works
*great*) that work fine from the site, but where are all the URLs for the
pop-ups in my portfolio MC? I even tried adding them in by hand when I added
in my JS code to make this all work, but nothing...same sad results.

The Javascript that I have in the HTML page that hosts the movie is as
follows..standard stuff. I'm just including it to help problem-solve.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var javascript_version = 1.0;</SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> var javascript_version = 1.1;</SCRIPT>
var newwin;
function launchwin(winurl,winname,winfeatures)
{newwin = window.open(winurl,winname,winfeatures);
if(javascript_version > 1.0)

I am completely stumped, and I MUST have this portfolio done by Monday.

Can anyone see what the problem is here? Why won't the other windows open?
Could this be because I have the buttons inside my MC? SHould I take them
out and put them on the main timeline? Could that be it? If so, why does the
first button work?

What else could it be?

Laura Hamilton

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  Re: FLASH: mysterious Flash pop-up windo, Muzak
  Re: FLASH: mysterious Flash pop-up windo, Muzak

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