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Subject: RE: FLASH: Site Check
From: Tony Indelicato
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 16:30:09 GMT

Did you use separate .swf files and Load movie action?
because you are getting a white box when I click on the links....
try making a main movie with just a black background and loading everything
else into it...
I'm not positive but I think this will eliminate the white box...

really nice work!
I love the sound effects

what 3D software did you use to create and animate the logo?


-----Original Message-----
From: Pam Sage [pamathinescreative [dot] com (mailto:pamathinescreative [dot] com)]
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 6:53 PM
Subject: FLASH: Site Check

Hi all,

Could you check the following site for me please?? The three movies are
too big for my taste, but it's what the client wants.

What do you think of the image quality and do you hear sound? Can you
let me know what platform and version browser you're running?



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flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and the Flash(tm) Film Festival
November 27-29, 2000, LONDON, National Film Theatre

Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
-Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems and Apple Computer
-http://www.flashforward2000.com or UK tel. +44 (0870) 751 1526
Register before November 10 and save �200
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  FLASH: Pipeys Flash Chat or other Flash , Kyle Sandstrom

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