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Subject: Re: AW: FLASH: OT: Rates
From: Bonnie Bucqueroux
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 02:09:44 GMT

The discussion about ending up with the wrong person certainly rings true for me
right now. I am trying to persuade my regional Chamber of Commerce to have me
redo their site, as part of a package where I would provide discounted website
development to their members -- a valued-added package that they could offer
their 2100 members. But the director of communications for the Chamber is the
same guy who put up their current two-page utterly dreadful Front Page site. I
already pulled a thorn from his paw by explaining that the reason that search
engines can't find him is because you cannot just put three different sets of
META tags anywhere on the page. But how do I persuade him gently that his
current site demands a major redo without offending him?

Newslink Associates - http://www.newslinkassociates.com

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  Re: AW: FLASH: OT: Rates, Randy Anthony

  AW: FLASH: OT: Rates, Malte
  Re: AW: FLASH: OT: Rates, Matt Powell

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