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Subject: FLASH: MC within button help
From: naoki mitsuse
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 08:44:12 GMT

Hi everyone, After a months of not touching flash, I am back at it again but have hit a problem I just cant seem to solve. Here's what I am trying to do: I am trying to make a button that has a MC in the button's "over" state. This MC, I just want to loop for the duration the cursor is "over" This is what I have: a MC w/3frames, frame 1 labeled "start" (w/play action), frame 3 (w/goto label "start" action"). a button with the above MC in it's over frame, I gave it an instance:"twitch". This is what I get when I test the movie: I get the button image changing in the up, over, down states, only, the MC does not play and do it's loop. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thanks! naoki -- NAOKI MITSUSE naokiatgoultralightsgo [dot] com (mailto:naokiatgoultralightsgo [dot] com) ULTRALIGHTS http://goultralightsgo.com ELVIS PAINTINGS http://goultralightsgo.com/naoki/elvis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To UNSUBSCRIBE send: unsubscribe flasher in the body of an email to list-manageratshocker [dot] com. Problems to: owneratshocker [dot] com N.B. Email address must be the same as the one you used to subscribe. For info on digest mode send: info flasher to list-manageratshocker [dot] com

  Re: FLASH: MC within button help, Marc Hoffman

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