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Subject: Re: FLASH: Re: Flasher wish list
From: Rogerio
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 19:36:12 GMT

You wrote:

>The Preferences itself: what can you save here? Nothing! Just some
>unimportant detailes about
>dragging and snapping stuff...
>So make the PRG more User-friendly and let us have control over it!
>Palettes, Color-depth, give us default options like basic movie options
>(lets say i want to start of a new Movie with 5 pre-defined Layers, 5
>in a speed of 30 frames, black stage color (and so on...) - that ll save
>us a lot of timeconsuming work everytime we start a new project!

You can set the default background color, frame rate and width and height
of a flash movie by going to the menu and selecting:

Modify>Movie> then when you've set it up the way you want, click on "save

Rogerio Luis


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  FLASH: Re: Flasher wish list, A.R.

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