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Subject: Re: FLASH:Layers problem?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 21:28:05 GMT

If this is "How can I have a browser put a layer above a Flash movie?" then
only a few browsers support this... it won't work in all browsers, and not
even just the ones that have layers.

Specifically, IE4+/Win32 can support realtime compositing of Flash content
if you give the OBJECT tag the WMODE parameter, as described in the Flash
documentation or at http://www.dhtmlzone.com/swdhtml/ .

It's rare to see this used, though... pretty if you're in the right
browser, but rarely chosen for mainstream design.

(Background: The 4.0+ browsers can composite static content such as bitmaps
or text in DIVs, but they generally don't composite content which can
dynamically redraw itself, such as video or applets or even some FORM


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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