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Subject: RE: FLASH: back button in browser - oops
From: Eric Dunham
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 03:37:44 GMT

If you use window.location for your JavaScript detection routine
redirecting, it's very easy.
For example, say hasFlash is a predefined variable from another part of your
script, and that hasFlash will either have the value true or false (a
boolean variable). Then you could easily do:

(hasFlash)? window.location.replace(flashURL) :

Notice in this example that the variables flashURL and noflashURL would each
have corresponding values (or you could just put the URL string in quotes
inside the method call).
Basically what you're doing is replacing the value of the current document
in the user's history with a new document. When you do a normal
window.location() the user gets sent to a new page, and the browser history
gets incremented. With the replace() method, you are actually not adding a
new page to the user's browser history, you are simply replacing the current
value with one that you specified. Did that make sense? :)

Eric Dunham

I have a javascript on the home page of a site that directs the visitor to
a flash or nonflash page accordingly. However, if they use their back
button to back out of the site when they hit the home page it redirects
them again and they can't back out. Has anyone implemented a solution that
solves that problem?

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  RE: FLASH: back button in browser - oops, Charlene Reese

  FLASH: back button in browser - oops, Charlene Reese

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