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Subject: FLASH: Setting text fields in a MC as the instance is created
From: DeJarnett, Gary
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:05:14 GMT

I�m needing a pop-up keypad for some of my work and wanted to make it a
short Flash movie where each key �unfolded� from the previous key until the
keypad is built. It�s hard to explain, but I have uploaded calc.fla to <>
. Anyone interested in helping out with this question will probably need to
be looking at it to understand.

On the main stage, there is an instance (Calc) of a movie clip
(movOpenCalc). If you open this movie clip and play it, you�ll see the
�unfolding� effect I�m after. Each button is an instance (ins1, ins2, etc�)
of the movie clip movCalc. For example, to see ins1, go to frame 2 in layer
1 after hiding layers above it. To see where ins2 appears, go to frame 11
after hiding layers above layer 2. Each button has a variable text field
(txtCalc) which will hold the digit of the number of that keypad button. It
is initially the number 4, but as each instance is created, I want to move
the real keypad number into that field. For example, after creating the
first button, I move a 1 to the text field on that instance. That works
fine. On all subsequent buttons, though, the number I move to the text
field never gets loaded (see frame 11 of the top layer (named code), it
says, Set Variable: "Calc/ins2:txtCalc" = 2. This statement is executed in
frame 11, because that is where this instance first appears (while the 3rd
button is �unfolding�).

If anyone can explain why a 2 is not moved into the text field on the second
instance, I would appreciate it. I�ve studied tell targeting and thought I
had it down, but I must be missing a concept somewhere. A second question
is why my tell target on the first frame of the timeline of the main movie
is not playing movOpenCalc when I test it. I have Go to and Play ("Begin")
and Begin is the second frame of the movie clip, so the Stop action in the
first frame should be ignored. Again, I�m obviously missing something.
Feel free to tell me which part of John�s book I need to reread in order to
get this stuff straight in my head. If it would help in your explanation,
I�d also be glad for you to replace the broken version with a modified
version at the FTP site.

Thanks for all your help in the past, and for listening to this problem,

Gary (dejarnettatttu [dot] edu <dejarnettatttu [dot] edu (mailto:dejarnettatttu [dot] edu)> )

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  RE: FLASH: Setting text fields in a MC a, Tim Walters

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