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Subject: Re: FLASH: Bitmap graphics distorting in 2 frame movie
From: Michael Dunn
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 17:25:33 GMT

I have a similar problem with only one spcific background being distorted by an
animation. All the other backgrounds look fine. I'm still working on this.

As for levels, it refers to layers in which movies are loaded (not layers within
the movie itself. If you have one swf movie and use a load movie command you can
place that movie in level 0 (which will wipe out the original swf) or into level
1 (which will display the new movie on top of the original movie).

Michael Dunn
The Merica Agency
v 702 947-7777 | f 702 386-9231
BW G3 350MHz 128RAM NN4.7 IE4.5 ISDN

>From: Crystal Martin <crystal [dot] martinatprintsoft [dot] com>
>To: "'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'" <flasheratchinwag [dot] com>
>Subject: FLASH: Bitmap graphics distorting in 2 frame movie
>Date: Thu, Feb 24, 2000, 4.52a

> Hi all!
> I'm new to the list, so perhaps this topic has been discussed before (if
> it has, my most profound apologies);
> however, I seem to be experiencing a similar problem to that described
> by Timothy. I have a movie that is
> (currently) one frame long and, using buttons, it calls up other movie
> clips which play in the lower right corner
> of the original film. The movie clips (which all contain multiple
> frames) are all displaying fine; however, when I
> add a second frame (or scene) to the original movie, all of the bitmaps
> distort and look absolutely terrible!
> Does anyone know what is going on here or how I can work around it?
> Macromedia claimed that they couldn't
> reproduce the problem, but I don't read much into that as they've never
> been able to reproduce any of my
> problems with Director either.
> Many thanks for any help!
> Crystal
> PS I know this is basic, but can someone please explain to me what
> everyone means when they are talking about "levels"?
> Is this referring to movie clips embedded in other movie clips, or
> perhaps the different layers within the timeline of one film?
> I'm a bit confused at the moment. Thanks!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Timothy Sprigler [SMTP:tim_jsathotmail [dot] com]
>> Sent: 23 February 2000 22:56
>> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
>> Subject: FLASH: Newbie-HELP!!!
>> So I have a scene with a MC containing a .PNG graphic, there is no
>> real
>> movement other than the graphic switches back and forth with another.
>> My
>> problem is, when an instance of the MC is placed in the scene, I can
>> no
>> longer add any frames to any layers without making the .PNG photos
>> distort/pixelate. I don't want to change scenes every time a mouse
>> event
>> occurs, so how can I stretch this scene?
>> If you would like to see an example go to
>> www.videobred.com/betatest.html
>> the graphic in question is the eye in the middle.
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