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Subject: Re: FLASH: MS Digital Dashboard (was: longer title)
From: John Dowdell
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 20:35:36 GMT

At 4:02 AM 2/24/0, Christian Cook wrote:
> Some of the simplest Flash functionality (Particularly mailto: links)
> fail to function correctly in a Digital dashboard.

"mailto:" protocol pseudo-URLs fail in many browsers. That's why the
technotes generally advise using server-based remailers.

(In the Flash-specific technote that Bentley and Tommi wrote last year,
don't look at all their nice screen captures... carefully read that first
paragraph where they say "most Microsoft and Netscape versions support
this". Perhaps they should add a picture of a skull-and-crossbones
there.... ;-)

People latch onto "mailto:" URLs and recommend them to both friends and
strangers, but they really don't work very well. I've been typing that for
five years but have pretty much given up on countering mailing list talk.
It's sorta like asking about IE/Mac detection, there will be a new thread
on this every week.... [sigh]

Many people like FormMail from Matt's Scripting Archive:


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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