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Subject: Re: FLASH: VARS in Get URL
From: Helen Triolo
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 21:24:23 GMT

Mike Krisher wrote:
> I say you try your method on Netscape before going any further, I have tried
> using variables in the GetURL action, along with other people, and I haven't
> heard of anyone getting it to work in Netscape. If there is a way to do it
> in Netscape could someone let me know, I posted a question about this last
> week and no one repsonded.
> Michael Krisher

Maybe variables and GetURL don't work together, but you could use a
textfield (and make it hidden and fill it with a Set Variable stmt). I
put an example at http://i-technica.com/flash/passavar.html. In the
example, you enter a record # (1, 2 or 3, where 1=www.webtech.net,
2=www.macromedia.com, 3=i-technica.com) and press Go. This calls
passavar.asp, which returns the URL associated with that record from a
database. You'll see the URL in frame 2. Then press Go again and a new
window opens with the URL. The final frame does the GetURL with the
textfield as a "parameter". I tried to put comments in to explain all
the actions in the fla. The asp contents are listed below. Forgive me
if you knew all this already--figured there's probably someone on the
list who doesn't!
Here's the asp:

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "iTechnica","",""
sql = "SELECT iURL,sURL FROM urls WHERE urls.iURL=" &

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, conn, 3, 3
passback = rs.Fields("sURL")


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  Re: FLASH: VARS in Get URL, Mike Krisher

  RE: FLASH: VARS in Get URL, Dave Hollinden
  Re: FLASH: VARS in Get URL, adam
  Re: FLASH: VARS in Get URL, Mike Krisher

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