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Subject: Re: FLASH: up a level
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 21:19:56 GMT

At 06:11 AM 2/25/00 , you wrote:

>just a quickie, how do you get a url that is up a level from the movie? do i
>have to fill in the whole url. i have tried using ../page.html but it doesnt
>work. is there another way? coz i dont know that absolute url for the page
>yet, and i want to test it first.

Seems you're on a Mac and my guess is you're using IE 4.5, which doesn't
render relative URLs from Flash correctly. Try using Netscape until you
have absolute URLs to insert.

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media: Specializing in Flash Animation and Digital Audio
Our latest Flash job is on display at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/rickfrnd>
See our Flash portfolio at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/portfolio>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  FLASH: up a level, JamieD

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