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Subject: XML Handling in Flash 5.
From: Daryn Nakhuda
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 01:21:00 -0000

I disagree with your argument that the same things can be accomplished on
the server side with some sort of backend as with XML & Flash. the beauty
of xml as I see it, is that it allows you to pull in much more satisfying
data structures than you can with simple key/value pairs in a url encoded

for example, look at the navigation element at the top of the page at
http://www.bornmag.com/mother.html. i can't even imagine how ugly and
inefficient it would be to do that via requests to a servlet everytime you
want to do anything..

instead, you have a nice xml file full of entries like below, and that's
all you need.

title="In Your Absence"
author="Torrence, Heather J."
artist="Vatne, Kjetil"

PLUS, if I wanted to put this on a cd or non-internet connected kiosk, it
would still work and be fully functional, without requiring the
installation of server software or access to a server.


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