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Subject: Books recommendation
From: Changhsu P. Liu
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 19:41:30 -0000

I am trying to set up a library of books for my company. I have compiled a
list of (23) books in Excel. It has ISBN numbers, rating from amazon.com,
pricing, and a thumbnail picture of each book. We're trying to cover
different aspects so both new users and intermediate to advanced users can
benefit from the final 3-4 boosk we will buy.

My compiled list is located here for download.
http://home.cinci.rr.com/cpliu/Flash_Books.zip (257K)

I'd also like to hear your opinion on the books listed there. If you can
rate the books (in a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest you can give) you
have seen or read and send it back to me. (I have a code for each book,
just send something like A:4, B:5, should be fine.) Comments like why it's
good or bad would even be more helpful. If you know of good books but not
listed, please e-mail too.

If there are enough response, I can post it back to the group.

Also, if you know any URLs for Flash learning, please e-mail too.

Thanks for the help.

Changhsu Liu
CPL874atoptimum [dot] com

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