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Subject: RE: [flasher] Starting Up question
From: JGL
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 19:43:59 -0000

Well if you are sure nothing is in your first frame, then it's probably the
embedded fonts.

Be sure to look at your movie report and look how many embedded font bytes
are in the swf. A font set can be anywher from 10k to 40k on up. They load
in the first frame no matter where you use the font.

That's why gratuitous use of different fonts is a file sweller. Even a
single font family like arial will include a whole set each for regular,
italic, bold, and bold italic if you have a lot of text using all the
varieties. If you include font outline for dynamic text, the whole font set
will be included, but only the regular or bold etc.

Check the movie report.


-----Original Message-----
I have a movie that I want to stream, but it takes along time to start up.
The first couple frames doesn't have that much, no sounds or graphics, but
when I check it out in the Bandwidth Profiler the first frame is huge. It
says 128k is in there. This movie does have sounds that will play when a
button is clicked, but why isn't this movie starting quicker?

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