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Subject: RE: getting the current marker name
From: Chris Kemmett
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 05:04:01 -0000

Quick change to the script below (after checking :( )...

Don't grab the frame number with the frame script, grab it on the button
click to get you to the next frame; that way, you are loading the array with
the last frame you were on, not the current one.

The rest test OK.

I hope this isn't too late - I'm on digest

I haven't found a way to access the marker or label name of the current
frame (wish I could!). My workaround has been to use a var in conjunction
with the goto command and read it back if I need it (var nextlabel =

But thinking about it, another way would be to pop and push an array with
the frame numbers as a user visits them - Flash doesn't need to know a frame
label in order to go to it (that's just to make my authoring easier).

For instance:
//initialise an array
visitStack = new Array();

Frame script
//append the current frame number to the stack when you enter a frame

On click of back button:
//read the last value from the stack and go there

This hasn't been tested, but this is the kind of thing...


  RE: getting the current marker name, Chris Kemmett

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