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Subject: RE: [flasher] Loading Text
From: Jamin Shoulet
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 17:30:38 -0000

ok...there is a gret tutorial on flashkit.com. do a search for loading text

but here is how the tutorial works:

create a text field, and stick it where it needs to be on the stage. under
your "TEXT OPTIONS" panel, adjust the text field so thats its "DYNAMIC." and
give it a variable name...let say for fun we will call it "CHEESE"

in your time line...say a few frames before the text field appears, have a
frame action with a load viarible function. the URL location is where you
are loading your text file (explain in a sec)...if its off the internet,
give an absolute address...just to be safe. the location should should be
set to target...and the target is (you guessed it) the text field "CHEESE".
dont think you should mess with anything else in that panel...someone
correct me if I'm wrong.

ok..the text file that you are gonna load....real easy.

the text file should start with the variable and the "=" followed by your
text...for example:(without quotes)

"CHEESE=This is my text. it loads very nice."

there you go...and you can add as many vairibles in your text file as you
please :)



-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Mays [bmaysatconnectok [dot] com (mailto:bmaysatconnectok [dot] com)]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 8:40 AM
To: flasher from chinwag
Subject: [flasher] Loading Text

I would appreciate it if you could help me. I am loading text into a
Flash 5 movie for the first time and I am wanting to load text into a
particular place. I have never done this and everthing I have tried
with load movie hasn't worked. If you could baby feed me through this I
would appreciate it or show me were to go to get a step by step

Thanks a billion,

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