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Subject: Re: FLASH: Need Mac projector
From: Chris
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 18:53:41 GMT

Marc Hoffman wrote:

> I want to create a CD Rom of my Flash portfolio and would like to include a
> projector for Mac users (as well as the PC projector I've already made).
> Not having a Mac myself, I'm hoping someone on this list can answer a few
> questions and perhaps make the projector for me.
> The projector's filename needs to conform to conform to the DOS 8+3
> convention, for example, MacStart.exe (although I don't know the right
> extension for a Mac self-executing file). This is because my Cd burning
> software doesn't accept longer names.
> I'm assuming/hoping that all I need is for the projector to contain one
> frame with the action:
> LoadMovie
> start.swf
> level0
> This will load my level0 movie which will call all my .swf's that are in
> the same directory. I hope :-).
> I'm assuming a Mac will find the .swf's I've created even though they were
> made on a PC, and that all will run smoothly from there on, since on the PC
> it works fine using a PC projector that I made from the movie start.swf.

DISCLOSURE - Sorry, after reading my e-mail over, it seems very *pro* Mac and
*anti* PC, such is not the case, this is just from experience of making my own
and seeing devolopment of other cross-platform CDs. In no way am I intending
to bash PCs.

if Flash is like director then you need both versions for both Mac and PC. If
not, there really is no .xox extention needed for a Mac. One thing I have
found tho, is that Mac have a stronger ability of creating a hybrid cd-rom
than PCs do. Unless new technology has surfaced (please forgive any ignorance
if so) PCs couldn't burn Mac information (in a sense). But if you *have* to
put an extention (.xox) ... just put .exe .... the mac won't care. But again
from experience, i find it best to burn a CD on a Mac, that way having total
control for burning on both platforms ... (again forgive me if PCs and
hardware/software have changed to make this easier on a PC). - and just as an
aside, our main multimedia developer makes both x-platform and single platform
CDs ... and no matter what, he'll burn it on a Mac (wether for Mac or PC).

Sorry, if this didn't even help, maybe someone more experienced with Flash can
enlighten us further


g o t c h a g r a p h i c s d o t c o m



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  FLASH: Need Mac projector, Marc Hoffman

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