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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash w/ Director 7
From: John Dowdell
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:24:01 GMT

At 8:18 AM 1/14/99, Paul Griswold wrote:
>What I'd like to do is design the interface and navigation for the CD in
>Flash 3 and then pass it to their Director guy to finish off. For example,
>I want to create a cascading menu system in Flash, but have him create the
>OnMouse events in Director to cue the playback of MPGs. This is a simple CD
>that just has some MPGs and slide shows. Is it possible to do what I want
>to do? I called Macromedia tech support and they said that it would be a
>snap to import the SWF into Director and use it for navigation.

Things like this should generally be possible. I'm not sure whether it's
the best design for this project, but there should be ways to achieve this
type of sequence.

Question: Have you worked with Director yet yourself? Even if you don't
design the final Director piece, having the other half of the communication
path under your fingers would enable faster testing than sending it off to
him blind.

Yes, it is a snap to import Flash files into Director. You don't mention
version, but D7 can import SWF 3.0 files, and D6.5 can import SWF 2.0
files. (You can save out a SWF in 2.0 format from within Flash 3.)

If you're asking "How can I send messages from Flash to Director?" then
it's handled through the GetURL action, just like FSCommand. There are a
couple of different syntaxes available, and this should be worked out
between you and the Director developer.

Sidenote: The various "MPEG" implementations are not all supported directly
by Director. Although there's a standard spec for various MPEG videos,
different hardware vendors do have different implementations. Director uses
the system's QuickTime and Video for Windows services, and many-but-not-all
MPEG implementations can be used in Director, but on some-but-not-all
machines. (That's more his problem than yours, but QuickTime is more
universal than things-called-MPEG.)

Is this what you were looking for? Or...?


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  RE: FLASH: Flash w/ Director 7, I am the Walrus

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