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Subject: RE: FLASH: playing two movies in series
From: Mike Hondel
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 17:37:07 GMT


- is it possible to tell target the loaded ocil2 movie within ocil1? That
would get the movie playing when I want it.

yes. in the last frame of "ocil1" (assuming "ocil2" is loaded into level 2, and has a frame label "start" in the second frame):

Begin Tell Target ("_level2")
Go to and Play ("Start")
End Tell Target

good luck,

mike hondel
blue room media

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Salo [SMTP:mikesaloatusa [dot] net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 10:36 AM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: playing two movies in series

Hello all,

Here's the situation:

1. Flash movie "ocil1" contains an intro image of a spinning menu system.
2. Flash movie "ocil2" contains the menu system in it's finished form
complete with mouseovers, calls to seperate movie clips etc.

The goal:

- Have ocil1 transition smoothly into ocil2 (ocil2 is 200k, ocil1 is only
- ocil2 will end up being called as a seperate menu page so people don't
have to suffer through the intro movie every time they go to the "home"

- I can't figure out how to set this up. I could add the elements of ocil2
at the end of ocil1 but this means a lot more editing for future revisions.
- I tried to "Load movie" ocil2 while ocil1 was playing but that resulted in
overlapping images.
- then I tried making the first frame of ocil2 to be a "stop" action (to
prevent the image overlap until I was ready) but couldn't figure out how to
make it start playing.

- is it possible to tell target the loaded ocil2 movie within ocil1? That
would get the movie playing when I want it.

Any other thoughts or suggestions would be most welcome! It seems there
must be a simple way to do this but my book doesn't explain it!

Thanks much,

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