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Subject: FLASH: targeting main movie
From: Sarah Lamont
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 21:17:44 GMT

hi everyone, :]

I was wondering about all the scrolling examples I've been looking at
lately. They all have the scrolling text area as a movie clip, but I was
wondering if there is anyway to get around doing it like this. The way I
thought I could get around it was if I still used the "do_reverse" movie
clip, (which tells the movie clip to keep going backwards when the
button was pressed) but instead of targeting the movie clip, I wanted to
just target the entire main movie. I've been trying to do some research
on this, but I can't figure out if that is possible. If anyone can help
out, I'd appreciate it, of course. :]
thanks a lot! (and everyone have a wonderful weekend!)
---{:practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty:}---

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  Re: FLASH: targeting main movie, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

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