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Subject: FLASH: Question about printing with Flash
From: Sarah Lamont
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 21:59:19 GMT

hi Everyone,

Because of the lack of literature out there on printing with flash, I've
come to a problem that I can't find the answer to. (where have you heard
*that* one before..?)
Anyways, if there's anyone out there that has some experience or
knowledge about the new printing abilities of the latest flash player, I
was wondering if you could help me out.
I've gotten the feature to at least work: pressing a button on the main
.swf loads and prints an external .swf. The only thing is, that for some
reason the swf that is printed is only about 50*50 pixels large. I have
designated the #p frames for printing and the #b frame as the printable
area, and I have made that printing swf 8.5*11 inches. Is there
something I'm missing?
If anyone (particularly from Macromedia) can help me out, you can either
e-mail the list or me personally at: slamontat2mtc [dot] com. Thank you so much!

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  Re: FLASH: Question about printing with , Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

  FLASH: database to Flash, Jeff Bradshaw

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