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Subject: FLASH: Timelines and Load Movie question
From: Matthew Buchanan
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 03:22:36 GMT

I have a movie file and a reasonably large soundtrack
which I want to accompany the file, but which is less
important than the content loading... If near the start
of my movie I initiate a Load Movie command to load
the soundtrack ( with preloader ) into level 1, which
load then takes precedence? Is it the rest of the level
0 movie which contains my content, the soundtrack
movie ( possibly because it's on a higher level ), or
do they both continue loading at once, sharing the

I tried to work this out with Show Streaming, but this
command doesn't seem to work for movies other than
the one in level 0 ( the soundtrack movie appeared
immediately, with the preloader only showing for a
fraction of a second ). If the soundtrack movie does
take precedence, what other strategies could I employ
to load the soundtrack early on, but "in the background"
as it were?

thanks in advance,


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  Re: FLASH: Timelines and Load Movie ques, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

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