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Subject: FLASH: Re: flasher-digest V1 #2317
From: A.R.
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 12:51:26 GMT

flasher-digest wrote:

> flasher-digest Wednesday, January 26 2000 Volume 01 : Number 2317
> Re: FLASH: A teacher wonders why ActionScript tutorials "bite"
> RE: FLASH: (OT) I truly am living in the present? really!
> FLASH: Javascript............
> Re: FLASH: OT: Sitecheck
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 15:04:07 +0100
> From: Dominik Kowalczyk <Dominik_Kowalczykatpoczta [dot] fm>
> Subject: Re: FLASH: A teacher wonders why ActionScript tutorials "bite"
> Hm,
> I have to say that I agree with Tom.
> I'm new in Flash Technology. I've started to learn Flash 2-3 weeks ago, and now I know
> almoust everythink (I hope so) except ActionScripting. I can't find good tutorial. Good
> for me means written in simple language, written for everybody (like Flash 3 by Coriolis).
> Anyone know good book or e-tutorial?
> DK

> Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 04:36:15 EST
> From: Roxtar1ataol [dot] com
> Subject: FLASH: Javascript............
> Does anyone know how to close a javascript popup window when another
> popupwindow opens?

Hi Roxtar1,
try the "onBlur"-command for that.


> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 11:54:36 -0000
> From: liamatnewhaven-design [dot] net
> Subject: FLASH: Flash as alternative to Director
> Hi folks,
> I'm sure this question has been asked before so apologies for the
> repitition.
> I have a multimedia CD-ROM project on the horizon that I'm considering
> authoring in Flash. I would consider myself an intermediate Flash user
> in terms of skill. The project outline seems to be relatively linear and
> low in content. For this reason and the fact that I'm really not an
> experienced Director user that I'm considering Flash as an authoring
> platform. Has anybody found Flash to be a workable solution for smaller
> and less complex CDROM projects? What are the pitfalls?

Hi Liam,
at first you cant compare them, coze Director is an Authoringtool for
all kinds
of multimedia, flash is specialized for WEB-use, even if you CAN do
other things
with it. So Director is more versatile in general, coze of Lingo (the programing-language).

If you�re good in Flash and you have a "linear project" as you say, why bother?
Just do it with Flash if you CAN achieve what you want with it. Theres
no need to
hassle around with Lingo if you dont know it!

Of course you can do CD-Roms with Flash, why not? Just take care to the right
paths - and you re done! (Almost ;-))


> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 13:20:48 +0100
> From: "Karin Merx & Harry Druijf" <merxatxs4all [dot] nl>
> Subject: Re: FLASH: OT: Sitecheck
> Hi Alex,
> Loads quick but I think lot of people won't like the pop-up window.

Well, well - seems you had a hard day and didnt like things though...

> Than navigation is not really clear.

Why? To my customer (and me) it seemed very clear (is it language-problem?)

> Clicking on zuruck und zu and nothing happens.

I m sorry but, if you talk about the 2 arrows at the bottom:
they re for scrolling the pages vertically...no click, just mouseover.

> When opening something from the top navigation bar
> again a window opens but.....how to go back. When you click the X
> (because it was not what I was looking for) I see an empty window and
> no enter. Only possebility than is the backbutton of my browser.

Well, I�m also sorry for that, but the customer wanted to nest a 2nd Site
(wich is actually the part "New Media"), wich you can
only reach thru this button (from there). Once you re in the "New media"-
part, there is another button wich brings you back.
(It seems to me you didnt take you re time so much, cause as you know,
flash takes some time to load...)

> Than the way to turn the sound off, found it at last but text is not
> readable when put upsite down and not in clear contrast with the
> background.

This is absolutely true. But. where should i put the button?
(You know that scene: you re already done with everything, customer says:
i would like to have a music on/off-button, do you redesign the complete
site then?
No. You can t, after 6 months just before release...

So, i m very sorry you disliked the site, still many thanks for your time
and comments on it!


> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 05:11:19 -0800 (PST)
> From: fatih kaya <mfatihkayaatyahoo [dot] com>
> Subject: FLASH: flash made htmls
> Dear sirs or madams,
> I can not run my flash made html pages on my web site!
> I will be pleased to hear from you.
> yours.
> =====
> mfk.

Hi fatih,
did you check for your browser plug-in?

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