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Subject: Flash2 newbie gif anim
From: Graham Lambert
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 12:26:56 +0100

I've just bought flash2 and am trying to find my way about. I can generate,
save and execute swf movies fine, but if I export as animated gif I get a
dog's breakfast of each group or element leaping up and being displayed in
the top left hand corner? There is nothing in the book, help or website
about this. I've tried a different pc, w95, winNT all the same. If I
export the movie as a jpg sequence, then reimport it then save as animated
gif, it sort of works but bits of the elements get cut off. What's going
on.... the manual makes it sound so easy to do? See example below:

Regards from Graham Lambert


  Re: Flash2 newbie gif anim, David Gary

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