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Subject: Funky Flash problem: Ghost sound.
From: David Gary
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 21:12:24 +0100

Hiya FLashers,

In flash3, I have an unwanted sound coming from a scene. Its a sound that I have
applied in
a different scene, but for some strange reason plays in a scene I dount want it to.
Its not there,
not on the timline or any symbols in the scene, yet it plays anyway. It only
happens when I
"test movie". When I test "scene" no unwanted sound and everythings fine.

Also just to clear the "baffles", I copied all frames in the scene with the
unwanted sound
and pasted them into a new movie. Just to kill the cat, I then went into the
library and scrolled down the
symbols only to find the sounds I applied(wanted).int the new movie.
No "ghost" sound. Also when I tried "test movie" _and_ 'test scene" in the new
everything worked as planned and _no_ ghost sound.
Now, how can I hear a sound in one scene, copy all the frames and paste it into new
and not hear it then? sometins buggy.

Now I can only see this as a bug, since its not to hard to find where a sound is
coming from.
Unfortunately I cant seem to get rid of it. Is there any step to delete the sound
all together
in the sounds properties window? All I see is options to update and import.

Remember, the "ghost sound" is one I use other places in the movie. In different
scenes altogether.
I certainly hate to delete it since Ive used it in several other places. I simply
just need to know
why its playing in a scene its not pasted in or in any of the movie clips in the

Strange! Any help would be most appreciated, even if they're just reports of the
same prob.
At least then I wouldn't think I was going insane.


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  Re: Funky Flash problem: Ghost sound., Marc Hoffman
  Re: Funky Flash problem: Ghost sound., David Gary

  Flash 2 White Blink, Jaywalk7
  Re: Flash 2 White Blink, John Croteau

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