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Subject: OT - javascript in ative desktop components
From: Sean Robertson
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:00:08 +0100

I have an Active Desktop Component which I created as a sort of launchpad
for some web pages.  A couple of the links use javascript to load windows
with the specied size, content, and options (no menubar, toolbars, etc.).
When I make the link run the javascript program directly (<a
href="javascript:sendapage()">), it loads a new blank object with
"javascript:sendapage()" in the location field, then gives me an error
stating "Object Required".  The required object is in the component itself.
I then tried using an onClick event to run the javascript function.  That at
least executed the script, but it still loads another blank window, since
you need to put something in the href attribute.  Even typing href="" still
loads a window, with the contents of the folder on the server which contains
quick.html (the html file for the desktop component).  Is there some way
around this?  I need to control the size of the windows being loaded, but I
can't have extra windows distracting the user.  The script executes
perfectly when the page is loaded normally (not as a desktop item).  The URL
to the page itself is http://www.zapinc.com/home/quick.html.  The URL to the
active desktop CDF file is http://www.zapinc.com/home/quick.cdf.  The link
in question is the next to last image on the bottom row (the pager with the
red arrow over it).

Please email me at seanratzapinc [dot] com, I probably won't be keeping up to date
with the newsgroups, but I check my mail every five minutes.

Sean Robertson
Webmater, ZAP Incorporated (http://www.zapinc.com/)
seanratzapinc [dot] com
"Genius exists only when one is willing to let go of the comforts of the past and embrace the future with an open mind."

  Re: OT - javascript in ative desktop com, Aaron Cushing
  Re: OT - javascript in ative desktop com, Sidney Maestre
  Re:loading...tutorial, FTC HQ

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