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Subject: RE: FLASH: uncontained flash!
From: waldo
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:11:54 +0100

Hy Yolanda,

simply make a layer that lays on top of all the other layer.
Draw a big rectangle that also covers all the drawings outsite the movie
size area and give it the same color as your background color.
Then simply select in that rectangle the area as big as your movie size
and delete that (now you've got a big rectangle with a whole as big as
your movie has got to be).
To make sure that nobody can see your work area, make the upper layer to
be loaded as first when exporting that movie.

I hope to have explained it clearly to you, else just ask me once more.


-----Original Message-----
From: owneratshocker [dot] com [owneratshocker [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratshocker [dot] com]On Behalf Of Yolanda
Sent: maandag 19 juli 1999 10:30
To: 'flasheratshocker [dot] com'
Subject: FLASH: uncontained flash!

Hiya groovey flash fanatics

I'm sorry if this questions been asked a million times but i really need
ask it!

Does anyone know how to stop the work area of flash spilling out onto
browser page. My flash swf is embedded as a percentage if that makes

Help! it all looks so messy!

thanks all
Yolanda Koning
Go Man Go Productions
Tel: (61+2) 9326 0988
Fax: (61+2) 9326 0488

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  Re: FLASH: uncontained flash!, Wes Tilson

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