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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash to Quicktime video (sorenson) to Video (avid)?!!
From: Thach Nguyen
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 02:50:36 +0100

Export movie as sequential BMP (if on windows) and debabelize to PICT,
or directly to sequential PICT (if on Mac), then import it into the

Shaina Boone wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a problem that needs to be resolved asap if possible. I have a 250k
> 5minute running flash movie that needs to be converted to play on video. When
> exported as quicktime video (sorenson video) it becomes 500megs(so I can't
> obviously post it anywhere). The problem is that the quicktime is not reading
> the tweening of the copy so instead of sentences fading in and out they are
> overlapping on top of each other and blocking all up so it is undreadable. Does
> anyone have any suggestions on transfering flash to video and fixing this sort
> of problem? keep in mind that once we get the quicktime working we need to then
> transfer it to avid!
> thanks
> miss boone
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  FLASH: Flash to Quicktime video (sorenso, Shaina Boone

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