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Subject: Re: FLASH: Background graphic all jiggly!
From: Eric Hassler
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 02:37:09 +0100

Thanks to everyone for your input so far. I've tried a number of things but
the background still shifts, just as Dorian described below. If any of you
gurus out there has a couple of minutes, I've uploaded the swf (65k) to the
site as "unprotected" so you can crack it open and let me know where I went
wrong. I'm assuming that if it's uploaded as "unprotected," you can grab
the swf from the cache folder and open it in Flash. Is that right? If not,
let me know.

Once again, this is my first Flash site, so I've probably made some
mistakes along the way, both in programming it and organizing it. Any
suggetions would be helpful. Thanks so much for your time.

>Hi Eric,
> The background image shifts slightly for me on every mouse over of any
>of the link buttons. This is very strange. Have you got more than one
>keyframe in the layer that contains the background image?
>Win 95- netscape 4.5
>Eric Hassler wrote:
>> >change quality setting in Aftershock code (both object and embed instances)
>> >to "best."
>> I tried aftershock settings on "high" with no luck, then changed the code
>> in GoLive to "best," and the background image still moves around during
>> various animations. Hmmmm. Anything else I should try? Does the background
>> shift on anyone elses computer, or is it just mine?
>> http://www.euwema.com
>> thanks
>> eric
>> >At 10:18 AM 7/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> >>First, whenever any animation occurs over my background image, the
>> >>background image sorta shifts around. I'm not too keen on the effect.
>> >
>> >change quality setting in Aftershock code (both object and embed instances)
>> >to "best."
>> >>
>> >>Second, in IE4 (mac), the movie doesn't seem to load properly at all. It
>> >>just shows the temporary gif image.
>> >
>> >I don't think plug-in detection doesn't work for IE4 Mac, therefore it
>> >defaults to the gif image.
>> >
>> >>The URL is http://www.euwema.com
>> >
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  FLASH: Background graphic all jiggly!, Eric Hassler
  Re: FLASH: Background graphic all jiggly, Eric Hassler
  Re: FLASH: Background graphic all jiggly, Dorian Nisinson

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