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Subject: Re: FLASH: starfield using arctangent available!
From: Kurt Dommermuth
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 22:17:18 +0100

>Without looking at the FLA (not at a computer with Flash :( can I ask what
>you are using the arctan() for?
>Perspective effects are a simple z divide. Or am I missing something?
>gerbilattheburrow [dot] co [dot] uk

Hi Barry,

I don't know what z divide means. If you could explain I would appreciate
very much. Frankly, I know very little math and am trying to learn as much
as I can.

I'd be glad to know there was a simpler solution than arctan to solve my
problem. I wrote to the list last week asking about this and no one
offered a better way! As convoluted as this became, I know there must be
and all you math jocks were just holdin out on me dammit.

Anyway, I started to go into the long explanation of what I was doing and
thought maybe it would be clearer to just include the code....

Set Variable: "count" = count + 1
Set Variable: "j" = 0
Loop While (j < 10)
Set Variable: "p" = count &j
Duplicate Movie Clip ("/star", "star" &p, p)
Set Variable: "locationX" = Random (100) + 350
Set Variable: "locationY" = Random (100) + 150
Set Variable: "scale" = Random (30) + 30
Set Property ("/star" &p, X Position) = locationX
Set Property ("/star" &p, Y Position) = locationY
Set Property ("/star" &p, X Scale) = scale
Set Property ("/star" &p, Y Scale) = scale
Comment: Determine Center of Screen
Set Variable: "x" = (locationY - 200) / (locationX - 400)
Comment: **************************
Comment: Begin Arctan Function
If (x > -1.0 and x < 1.0)
Set Variable: "arctan" = x-(x*x*x/3)+(x*x*x*x*x/5)-(x*x*x*x*x*x*x/7)
Set Variable: "output" = (arctan * 180) / 3.1416
Else If (x >= 1)
Set Variable: "arctan" = (3.1416 / 2) - (1 / x) + (1 / ( 3 * (x*x*x))) - (1
/ (5 * (x*x*x*x*x))) + (1 / (7 * (x*x*x*x*x*x*x)))
Set Variable: "output" = (arctan * 180) / 3.1416
Else If (x <= -1)
Set Variable: "arctan" = - (3.1416 / 2) - (1 / x) + (1 / ( 3 * (x*x*x))) -
(1 / (5 * (x*x*x*x*x))) + (1 / (7 * (x*x*x*x*x*x*x)))
Set Variable: "output" = (arctan * 180) / 3.1416
End If
Comment: End Arctan Function
Comment: *************************
Comment: Output is between -90 and 90 degrees. The following compensates
for this. Anything left of center we add 180 degrees.
If (locationX < 400)
Set Property ("/star" &p, Rotation) = output +180
Set Property ("/star" &p, Rotation) = output
End If
Set Variable: "j" = j + 1
End Loop

Basically just telling a randomly placed MC to find the center of the
screen and rotate directly away from it. I tried turning it inwards which
was cool and also used the mouse coordinates as the center and that was
pretty cool too.

Again, if you know a better way I would be grateful as I really would love
to use this in a clients animation I'm currently working on and as it
stands now it is probably too processor intensive.

Muchos Gracias,

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  Re: FLASH: starfield using arctangent av, Barry Swan

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