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Subject: FLASH: New one
From: Gerred Gilronan
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 13:30:02 +0100

Hi everyone on the list.

I have just subscribed and after receiving over 250 postings in the 24 hrs that
I have been active all I can say is you lot know your stuff.
I have just finished a course on Flash4 and Dreamweaver and thought I knew a
bit about it. It has become apparent that I have only scratched the tip of the
I am watching with interest all the stuff you lot are posting. I am sure I will
pick up a tip or two.


London UK

-----Original Message-----
From: John Stanley [SMTP:JohnSatCENTROMINE [dot] com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 12:21 PM
To: 'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'
Subject: re:FLASH:Saving Variables to a database

Here is a template i am using to write variables passed to a cf-template
from a flash movie. It is also attached. (In the attached version the query
is commented out because I do not want it writing to the database at this

This template writes to a database as well as emails the requester and the
internal contact here. It does not require the use of URL, or Form Prefixes

to work.

Hope this helps. Any questions, please let me know.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


<cfparam name="title" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="name" default="">
<cfparam name="email" default="">
<cfparam name="address" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="city" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="state" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="zip" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="phone" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="fax" default="No Information given">
<cfparam name="organization" default="">
<cfparam name="selected" default="No Information given">

<cfset error='false'>

<cfif isDefined("Name") and #len(name)# GT 0>

<cfset error='true'>

<cfif isDefined("Organization") and #len(Organization)# GT 0>

<cfset error='true'>

<cfif isDefined("Email") and #len(EMail)# GT 0>

<cfset error='true'>

<cfif #error# eq 'true'>

location = 'request_error.cfm?'


<cfquery name="write_data" datasource="homepage">
Insert into Contacts (FirstName3, Title1, Company, Email1, Phone, Fax,
Address, City, State, Zip, MarketSegment)

<cfmail to="AdminatCentromine [dot] com" from="#form.email#" subject="Show of the
year -- Automated mail" >
The following information was added to the contact database via show of the

Name :#Name#
Title: #Title#
Organization: #organization#
E-Mail: #email#
Phone: #phone#
Fax: #fax#
Address: #address#
City: #city#
State: #state#
Zip: #zip#
Market Segment: #selected#

<cfmail to="#email#" from="System" subject="Show of the year -- Automated
mail" >
The following information was sent per your request:

Name :#Name#
Title: #Title#
Organization: #organization#
E-Mail: #email#
Phone: #phone#
Fax: #fax#
Address: #address#
City: #city#
State: #state#
Zip: #zip#
Market Segment: #selected#

Thanks for submitting your request.


<div align="center">
<img src="images/logo.jpg" width="497" height="89" border="0" alt="">

<font face="arial"><h2>Transmitting Request</h2></font>
function send() {


John Stanley
Internet Visions Group
Centromine, Inc

flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and the Flash(tm) Film Festival
July 24-26, 2000, NEW YORK CITY, Hammerstein Ballroom
Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems, Fusion, Inc, AtomFilms,
shockwave.com and Electric Rain.
1.877.4.FLASH.4 or (1.805.640.6679 outside the US and Canada)
Register before June 30 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
To unsubscribe or change your list settings go to
http://www.chinwag.com/flasher or email helpatchinwag [dot] com

flasher is generously supported by...
flashforward2000 and the Flash(tm) Film Festival
July 24-26, 2000, NEW YORK CITY, Hammerstein Ballroom
Produced by United Digital Artists and lynda.com
Sponsored by Macromedia, Adobe Systems, Fusion, Inc, AtomFilms,
shockwave.com and Electric Rain.
1.877.4.FLASH.4 or (1.805.640.6679 outside the US and Canada)
Register before June 30 and save $200!!-- www.flashforward2000.com
To unsubscribe or change your list settings go to
http://www.chinwag.com/flasher or email helpatchinwag [dot] com

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