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Subject: Re: FLASH: Random Questions Without Repeating
From: Nathan Dicken
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 22:44:33 +0100

Hi Paul,

Here's a technique that you could use - esentially you build a string
"list" to hold values for your questions and you use and take away values
from that list. The example below uses a list of 10 questions (you have
30) for your reference. The digits variable is used for the string length
of your largest number (e.g. 10 - 2 digits).

Set Variable: "qList" = "01020304050607080910"
Set Variable: "digits" = "2"
Loop While (length(qList) > 0)
Set Variable: "rValue" = random( length(qList) / digits ) + 1
Set Variable: "qValue" = int(subString( qList,
((rValue*digits)-(digits-1)), digits ))
Comment: act upon this qValue, or...
Comment: create a new random list with it in non-integer form...
Comment: ---------------------------------------
Comment: finally, reform the "qList"...
Set Variable: "prevList" = subString( qList, 1, ((rValue-1)*digits) )
Set Variable: "postList" = subString( qList, ( ((rValue+1)*digits) -
(digits-1)), (length(qList)-(rValue*digits)) )
Set Variable: "qList" = prevList & postList
End Loop

Try this out - it should resemble more like how you'd do it in Director.


Nathan Dicken
Boxerjam Inc.
nathandatboxerjam [dot] com

>I am making a quiz where there are 30 questions. I want to randomly choose a
>question and ask it then remove it from the question pool. I normally have
>no problem doing this sort of stuff in Director - I simply create a list of
>the question numbers and remove the question number from the list after
>asking the question - but I can't figure out how do do it in Flash - am I
>being really dumb?! The only way I can think of is have 30 variables i.e
>Question1_Asked=False, Question2_Asked=False etc and set the boolean to True
>if asked.

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  FLASH: Random Questions Without Repeatin, Paul Steven

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