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Subject: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh.
From: Kurt Dommermuth
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 16:10:38 +0100

At the moment I�m listening to a piece of music and it touches my senses in
ways that are pretty much beyond description. It is poetry. There are
literally millions of pieces of music that exist today that have the same

As I work on Flash animation I�m really wondering if this medium has the
same capacity? I�m familiar with many flash sites that have plenty of wow,
but really don�t go deep enough to touch the soul.

Part of me wants to believe that it is possible that one of these days one
of us will come up with an animation that has the power to move us.

Another part of me thinks that it is simply too cold, distant, intangible,
polished, so on and so on�.

Is the current version of Flash too limited in its practical capabilities
to be a form of artistic expression on par with music or painting? Do you
think that it is a medium merely in its infancy and essentially we
Neanderthals drawing on cave walls?

Is the net itself just a poor delivery mechanism? Is there some vital
value to sharing a piece of art side by side with another human being that
we can�t possibly accomplish with computers or is it possible to derive the
same value as a singular experience via a monitor?

Are we culturally too economically driven to be thinking about artistic,
soulful endeavors? If so, are we paying a price and what might that price be?

Are we simply lacking a flash �Mozart� who would put us all to shame?

Aww shit, now the music is over and essentially this is just
masturbation. Time to get back to work; to my economically driven self,
but what the f*ck� anyone have any truly artistic, soulful flash �pieces�
out there?

Are you there Mozart? It�s me Margaret.


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  Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., Marcelo Siqueira
  Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., Mike Chambers
  Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., Randy Kato

  RE: FLASH: Flash 5 player? (Was FigLeaf', Paul Willoughby

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