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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash 5 players / bad bad bad
From: Till Steinmetz
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 16:40:24 +0100

>I got my Flash 5 beta player to check out Branden Hall's demos. But now how
>do I reinstate my old player - is it gone forever? Do I have to go back to
>the MM site and download the F4 player again? Auto install is great - but
>what files are added and where are they put?

In my opinion Macromedia should not have a Flash 5 Player beta version
available for download. At least not while there are compatibilty problems
with flash 4 movies. You know what the average users does: If new Version
number > old Version number they install it. No matter if it's an early
alpha, beta or a developer release. Then it's up to us to explain the
project managers why the sites are not working anymore. I think there are
MAJOR compatibility problems with Flash 4 Movies and Flash 5 Player. About
half of the sites i built don't work with the beta player...


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  Re: FLASH: Flash 5 players / bad bad bad, V�ctor Vill�n
  Re: FLASH: Flash 5 players / bad bad bad, Mike Chambers
  Re: FLASH: Flash 5 players / bad bad bad, Stephen

  FLASH: Flash 5 players, Paul Willoughby

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