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Subject: Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh.
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:02:34 +0100

> Part of me wants to believe that it is possible that one of these days one
> of us will come up with an animation that has the power to move us.

Different strokes for different folks, of course (and saying nothing about
those pieces recommended for your viewing that I ooh and awe be jealous of
as well :) but I still think the true "artwork" of the web/net is in
creating a multi-user environment, a new kind of society. In those places
where we yes laugh and cry and get upset and fall in love and look on in
wonder together - the whole gamat of human emotions - in creating not
something you look at, or something you listen too, or something you watch
but something you experience, a kind of concert where the viewer is part of
the creation. Pieces of those are in the interactivity of every site and in
flash chats, and ecommerce sites, and the databases, and multi-user games,
and the things that aren't comic books and aren't novels and aren't games
and aren't films or television, but are something else altogether new. I
think we're all creating a little of it even when it just seems like we're
"taking care of business" - our piece of code, our design, our work that
moves the whole forward just a little bit and the "art" isn't finished yet.


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  Re: FLASH: Technomelancholic Sigh., Kurt Dommermuth

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