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Subject: Re: [SpamCop:(g [dot] valisatpmail [dot] net) id:408873]FLASH: Discover the best kept secret on the net! (ABUSE#8863)
From: abuse
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:18:39 +0100

[[ This is an automatically generated reply to your message ]]

This mail is being sent to you because the Planet Online Network Abuse
Reporting system received a mail which had your email address as the

The reference id for your message is

Please quote the reference id in the subject line or the body of any
replies you send to this or subsequent messages from us - for example
if you need to send us further information having read the rest of
this message.

We always investigate any allegations of network abuse. However we
can only deal with allegations that involve our network - ie they
originated on or transited our network. We are generally unable to
help with complaints relating to news or mail received by a Planet
customer but sent from another network - these complaints should be
taken directly to the originating network.

Information on addresses that can be used for reporting network abuse
can be found at

We often will *not* reply to abuse reports sent to us (other than this
autoreply). This is generally because we are unable to release any
useful information about an abuse incident, especially if there is a
possibility of legal action being taken. If you need a reply make
this clear in your message (or a follow up) to us. We cannot release
details of our customers due to laws on privacy and computer data -
even if those customers have been involved in network abuse.

Mail & News Abuse

When reporting mail or news abuse it is imperative that you give us as
much information as possible to allow us to effectively investigate
the problem. This normally means that we need the *full* headers from
emails or news postings. For mail the headers must contain all the
"Received:" headers (these headers are normally multi-line - we need
all the lines of all the headers), and for news we need the Path,
Message-Id and Newsgroups headers.

If you are complaining about multiple messages then please send us the
headers from a representative set of the messages (for example at
least the earliest and the latest allows us to get a good time frame
to check within).

Should your original message not give sufficient tracking information,
then please can you reply to this message giving all the header
information from the orignal messages.

Other Network Abuse

If you are reporting other network abuse we need to have details of
what was happening, what IP addresses (addresses are better than names
for this), and the time that things happened. When giving us time
information - for example if you quote some log information - please
tell us what time zone the times are for, and whether the time source
is accurate and trusted (ideally systems logging time sensitive
information should be synchronised using the network time protocol
(NTP) to a good reference time source).

Urgent Reports

If you have a *very* urgent report of network abuse (this normally
does not apply to mail or news, but does apply to other network abuse
that is still in progress), then you can contact the 24 hour support
team on
+44 113 207 6207

[[end of autoreply]]

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