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Subject: Re: FLASH: Load movie stops working
From: Bob Mainguy
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 20:42:44 +0100

Matt Wobensmith wrote:
> Hi Bob -


> Apologies for replying to the group, but offline posting makes it hard for
> others to learn about these things.

No apologie needed, Only asked that you send it to my personal email so
as not to wait to receive the digest...

> Yes, I have heard of this. As I understand it, it was due to a Mac IE bug. I
> have been told that it was fixed in Mac IE 5. By any chance, have you tested
> your site in that browser?

It does work in IE 5 but can't really exclude IE 4.5 users...

> In any case, for this browser, have you considered any other design
> approaches? If you tell us what you're doing, we may find more than one way
> to do it, thus working around the issue.

If you want to see the site as it stands its posted at http://www.allumelagang.com

As for other design aproaches, I have started to copy the individual
files into the main flash movie and using tell target instead of load
movie... It does add a little weight to my file but not to much, and it
means updating the whole site instead of only part of it when
corrections are needed, but we do what we can...

> (And I'm sorry that we encounter so many issues with Mac IE that affect
> Flash. Thankfully, Microsoft really did take these to task when releasing IE
> 5 for Mac. Most of them have been fixed.)

Not your fault and I'm also glad that most of them have been resolved in
IE 5

If you can think of another solution let me know...


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  Re: FLASH: Load movie stops working, Matt Wobensmith

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